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What we use in our movies
These are the sources for many of the things people ask about in our movies.
Free Lego Instructions in .lxf format for all kinds of models
F4U Corsair Fighter Plane instructions by Ralph Savelsberg
Mitsubishi Zero Fighter Plane Instructions:
Hellcat Fighter Plane instructions By Ralph Savelsberg
Helldiver Dive Bomber instructions by Ralph Savelsberg
BrickForge for custom weapons, armor, headgear, and other accessories
BrickWarriors for custom weapons, armor, headgear, and other accessories
Brickarms for custom weapons, armor, headgear, and other accessories
Bricklink for new and used Lego brand pieces and minifigure parts
Woody64 on Shapeways for 3D Printed Napoleonic and 18th Century Headgear and other accessories
Custom-Bricks in Germany for World War Two tank and artillery instructions
Brickmania for World War Two tank and vehicle kits
Kirill Simerzin on Mocpages for .lxf files of tanks and vehicles, mostly Soviet
Alex Sonny on Mocpages for .lxf files of tanks and vehicles
Lego4Life on Mocpages for tanks, aircraft, naval vessels. You must ask them to agree to send you .lxf and he might.
Musicloops for commercial royalty-free licensed music
Shockwave-sound for commercial royalty-free licensed music
Premiumbeats for commercial royalty-free licensed music
Sound dogs for commercial royalty-free licensed sound effects
Audiosparx for commercial royalty-free licensed sound effects